Fashion Forecasting


neutral is the new black

Dress -Topshop, shoes - Warehouse, sunglasses - vintage

cover your eyes, PETA!

This girl made my day, I just couldn't resist to wouw her all those seconds while took this image. And there is something about this bag, like from the childhood, when grandma came home from the local market, with vintage eco bag - specially made for carrying milk. Doll-like!


Lady Dior - Lady Grey London with Marion Cotillard

Truly amazing campaign and film by J. Galliano

feel of wood

structure structure structure, pardon me for a long pause, just... feels like being Van Gogh in cubism era  - my creative approach to academically framed dissertation layout.


"Creatives always balance their lives between nirvana and depression" said well known advertising guru.


a contrast playgame

swagger daily prayer:
"It's always good to stand out, but remain balanced with your cool"

Real Girl Equals Money

People want to buy a "real thing" you know..
well as far as I am concerned then couple years ago fashion was all about this skinny fairytale [i swear I won't go on about size 0 - that is a done deal] where airbrushing specialists were The Almighty's in media culture, but now - people are willing to browse through blog channels to find a Real Thing emotions, with Real Look charisma.
Maybe this interest will maintain and it won't be long till men will be allowed to have their hairy chests back and the wanna bees will be measured by putting 1 front of 0.